N-038 . Alva Noto + Ryuichi Sakamoto . Summvs

- Release Date: 2011-05-09
- Format: Digital
- CAT. #: N-038
- Summvs
- Alva Noto + Ryuichi Sakamoto
Digital Platform:
Summvs is the fifth collaboration album between Alva Noto and Ryuichi Sakamoto. The record was first released in 2011 and is the fifth and final installment of the ‘Virus Series’. The title Summvs refers to the Latin word “summa” (eng. sum) and “versus” (eng. towards), and serves as a metaphor for the work being oriented towards a collaborative result. The album features “Microon” compositions containing recordings of a 16th tone interval tuning piano—Piano Metamorfoseador Carrillo en Dieciseisavos de Tono. The album also features two covers of the track “By This River” originally composed by Brian Eno, Dieter Moebius, and Hans-Joachim Roedelius in 1977.