N-041 . Alva Noto . Xerrox Vol. 3

- CAT. #: N-041
- Xerrox Vol. 3
- Alva Noto
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Xerrox Vol.3 is the eighth solo studio album by German electronic artist Alva Noto, released in 2015 and as part of the ongoing Xerrox pentalogy started with Xerrox Vol.1 (2007) and Xerrox Vol.2 (2009). Inspired by private, formative influences such as Andrei Tarkovsky’s 1971 film Solaris, “La isla misteriosa y el capitán Nemo” by Juan Antonio Bardem and Henri Colpi, Alva Noto beautifully exchanges austerity for cinematographic lushness with the remarkably widescreen 3rd volume in his Xerrox series.
He uses the self-designed Xerrox software to transpose early, ingenuous feelings of awe and wonder into innovative, intimate atmospheres and dynamic soundscapes. In line with the series’ focus on “using the process of copying as a basis”, and the manner in which the inherent fallacies of copies manifest as originals in their own right, these eleven pieces could be heard as copies of memories, exploring the waves of emotional data patterns that are consequently reflected as melodic vectors and unquenchable noise.
“I see Xerrox vol. 3 as my most personal album so far. I have to admit that this emotional output is a surprise even for myself. it remains exciting how the last two albums of this series will sound like.” It’s really rather special.” – Carsten Nicolai